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Life is fleeting.
Sounds pretty morbid, but it really is. Many of us want to make sure we make the most of such transient and fleeting moments. You want to squeeze all the opportunity and potential out of yourself so that above all, you can look back and say you lived. You want to leave an impression on your loved ones so that your presence becomes an unforgettable and powerful effect on people around you. You want to live a life with little or no regrets.
I get it. I want to live a life like that. The question is — how?
How do you lead an unforgettable life? How do you make the most of life’s moments? How do you ensure that every day is a day worth living in every single area of your life?
Many of us allow external and arbitrary markers of success to tell the tale of our lives. You let awards, relatively uninteresting jobs, and unremarkable relationships define you. You let things happen to you, instead of being the real driving force making things happen.
Maybe I’m a little wacky in this way, but the thought that we have only one chance at this thing called life constantly drives me to want to make the best out of it. And on that journey, here are some principles to help you focus on adding color, purpose, and beauty back into your life.
1# Figure out what you want people to say about you when you die
Sounds pretty grim, but provides us with a whole bunch of perspective.
A lot of us aren’t intentional when it comes to our life because many of us don’t spend enough time thinking about death. You take your waking moments for granted, confident that tomorrow or next week won’t be your last day. What if it was? Can you say that you’ve been working in areas and on things that are in line with your passions and goals for yourself?
Think about if you were to die. What is it that you would want your eulogy to cover? What would you want your friends, family, and colleagues to say about you? Usually good things, but can you honestly say that you’ve been operating with that in mind?
If you imagine your sibling to profess that you were generous and kind, maybe embodying it by giving them that extra piece of candy instead of chastising them for taking a piece of yours doesn’t sound so bad.
If you imagine your significant other to speaking about the fact that you were patient, then maybe you should stop blowing up in anger so quickly every single moment they do something that annoys you.
If you imagine your boss to say you were tenacious and hardworking, it might be a good idea to spend more time than you currently are on fine-tuning your work projects.
🚀 ACTION: Define the goals you have with your loved ones, and start working towards them. Be intentional with your relationships and start setting in groundwork for this now. Note down at least one way you can proactively embody your values this week, in each of your personal relationships.
2# Make learning a priority
The human capacity to learn is almost infinite.
We have so much opportunity to learn new things, and this never stops up until you finally kick the bucket. Make the best use of it whilst you can.
“I am still learning.” — Michelangelo, age 87
Some of the greatest minds that live, and have ever lived, are lifelong learners. They became the very best of the best because they understood and embodied the truth that learning never stops. There is always an area you can sharpen, space where you can do better, a time where you can improve.
When you commit to learning, you become a better person — intelligent, well-rounded, cultured. You become the kind of person that draws people from all walks of life towards them. You become the kind of person who has so much to offer the people around you. You really become unforgettable.
🚀 ACTION: Commit to reading a book every month on something completely random. Start listening to podcasts or going to events where you are not the expert, and you have no clue about the topic.
3# Do things which make you feel uncomfortable
From asking that cute guy out on a date to going skydiving — if it makes you uncomfortable but you can do it, do it.
Do the exact opposite of some of the things that make you feel comfortable. You know that cushy job you have right now, even though it’s preventing you from really focusing on that start-up that’s making money? Quit.
You know that really cute dress in the store you want to buy, but feel like you won’t do it any justice because you’re plus-sized? Buy it. Wear it.
You know how you really want to start your gym membership but you are afraid that people will stare at you and laugh at you using the machines wrong? Do it anyway.
That’s right. Do all the things your heart and head are telling you to do, that your low self-esteem is stifling. Override your proclivity towards conforming. Release the false responsibility and unnecessary shackles. The people who live remarkable lives don’t do so without fear — they do so by overcoming it.
Overcome your fears, and start.
🚀 ACTION: Commit to doing one thing this week, that makes you feel uncomfortable. Try to do this for the month of July, every week, and keep a log of how this makes you feel.
Life is short — it only makes sense that you live your best one. Make today, tomorrow and every day count with these tips. Whether you live to see 100 or beyond, prioritising living your life to it’s fullest potential.
Right now.
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💥 Extra Goodies:
“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” ― Mahatma Gandhi
This couldn't have come at a better time. Definitely putting the 3 points into practice moving forward. Thankyou so much Reneé!