Whenever I come across articles and books professing to change my life, my reflection is often the same.
Dang. Why is everything so long and hard?
Not the 10-steps-plan to transform your life forever. Not the book on how to have a great life being 450 pages long. Not the course series being several hours of content.
This week, I challenged myself to find 3 small things to implement in my life, in order to have a positive difference on the way I operated. The three spheres needed to be simple and actionable - ones that most folks could do or commit for an extended period of time.
I think I clocked on to something. Three easy ways I transformed the way I felt, worked, and behaved - which would inevitably change my way of living.
I hope it changes yours.
Key Summary (TL/DR):
For the Mind
For the Body
For the Soul
The Mind, Body, Soul: Implementation Plan