5 Vital Money Lessons Your Parents Needed to Teach You
5. Don't take paracetamol for someone else's headache
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Our entire world revolves around money.
I first learned about finances from my parents. They were pretty traditional, well-to-do people who believed in getting a good job, a mortgage, and maybe a dog — the ideal life.
While my parents taught me many things of value, like a lot of my peers, there were a few things I had to figure out on my own.
The hard way.
Financial literacy is always a tough topic, namely because finances can often depend heavily on the social and cultural climate of a given time. For my parents, the financial advice they passed on worked well for them in the early 90s… but didn’t quite work so well for a late twenty-something-year-old millennial like me.
Amongst many other gems I picked up along the way, here are seven vital lessons you need to know when managing your finances.