There are a bunch of things you are doing, right now, stopping you from leading the life of your dreams. That’s right. You’re probably one of your greatest success blockers, and you might not know it. Or you know it, and you’re ignoring it.
Let me be transparent and straightforward with you. I’m trying to get away from the cringe of productivity guru talk. You know, the talk that reinforces the necessity of waking up at 4am, and provides arbitrary and highly unsubstantiated 6-step morning routines as the unfailing reason for every success you’ve ever had. Yes, I’m desperately trying to do something a little different, and pretty much just deliver it to you in a straight-forward fashion.
Not because I think I’m better, or my life is perfect — far from it, I’m in this game with you like everybody else. My concern is you. I want you to win.
There are a ton no-no’s when it comes to habits, here are four habits in particular that are tripping you all the way up.